Where the culture of the cross intersects with the culture of the world and where we strive to be set apart. We pray to be able to build an understanding of Scripture, create a servant mentality, and help your teens grow in their relationships with Jesus on a personal level. There are ample opportunities for teens to jump in and be a part of the body of Christ, whether that be through singing in choir, helping in junior church (JAM), or preparing sermons to teach and preach in Sunday Schools, JAM, and Wednesday night services. We invite teens to attend and engage in these meaningful practical teachings and tips for the daily Christian life!
Sunday School
We gather together every Sunday in our teen room, located in the Fellowship Hall, at 9:30am to worship and study God’s word. We’re not preparing our teens to serve Jesus later; we’re equipping them to serve Jesus now.
Midweek Series
During the school year our students meet together to fellowship with one another, consider the truth of God’s Word, connect the truth to where they’re at today, and commit to practicing that truth in day-to-day life.
Monthly Activities
We want every teen to feel like they are part of the church, get involved, & make long lasting friendships! We enjoy monthly activities that range from teen game nights, bonfires, summer camps, youth conferences, rallies, and teen Bible study nights to promote their walk with God all while having a great time. We enjoy having fun, but every activity also includes a spiritual lesson and challenge.

Michael and Hercilia Topasna
Cross Culture Teens
JANUARY Teen Lock-In
FEBRUARY Teen Activity
MARCH “For the Teens” Fundraiser
APRIL Teen Activity
MAY Teen Activity & Silverwood Super Rally
JUNE Teen Bonfire Night
JULY Teen Camp
AUGUST Senior Send-Off
OCTOBER Unplugged
NOVEMBER Unplugged
DECEMBER Teen Christmas Party